Archive of news
War and Military-Political Alliances in the Modern and Contemporary History of Central Europe: Strengths, Limits, Challenges
International Scientific Conference, 19–21 March 2025, Military History Institute Prague (U Památníku 2, Prague 3)...
Seminar: Built in spite of. Roman Catholic religious buildings in the Czech lands built between 1948 and 1989
26 February 2025, 16:00, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Vlašská 355/9, Prague 1)...
The Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS is the seat of the Czech-Slovak Commission of Historians
The Commission is dedicated to the promotion of Czech and Slovak history...
Selection procedure for inclusion in the "Programme of support for promising human resources - postdoctoral students"
applications until 5 March 2025...
Book presentation: Město jako laboratoř změny
5 February 2025, 17:00, Parlamentní knihovna a Archiv Poslanecké sněmovny (Komunardů 1634/44, Praha 7)...
Seminar: East German Students as Actors of Transformation 1987-1992
29 January 2025, 16:00, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences (Vlašská 355/9, Prague 1) and Zoom...
CfP: Trauma, Hope, and Illusion. Cities at the End of World War II and in Post-War Transformation
International Conference, 5–6 May 2025, Prague...
Workshop "Histories of Maternity: Ideas, Practices and Transfers"
17 January 2025, Academic Conference Center (AKC) in Prague and Via Zoom...
Seminar: Television Pedagogy, Economic Transformation and the Building of a Middle-Class Imagination in 1990s Czech Republic and Slovakia
16 January 2025, 11:10, Dresden and Zoom...
Cycle Every Film is a Small Victory: An Evening of Lebanese Film
15 January 2025, 18:00, Kino Ponrepo (Bartolomějská 11, Prague 1)...
New book: Historiografie, sociologie a politika paměti
Gjuričová, A. – Nodl, M. – Urbánek, V. (edd.): Historiografie, sociologie a politika paměti [Historiography, Sociology and the Politics of Memory]. Praha: Argo, 2024.
Selection procedures for the OP JAK Urbanity grant project: inequality, adaptation and public space of cities in historical perspective
for the positions of PhD student, postdoctoral researcher, senior researcher...
Seminar: Lessons from 75 Years of NATO - Instructive, Disturbing, but also Forgotten
18 December 2024, 16:00, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences (Vlašská 355/9, Prague 1)...
Seminar: Post-socialist Urban Transformations in East Central Europe. Cases of Prague and Bratislava
12 December 2024, 11:10, Dresden and Zoom...
Summer Schools of Slavic Studies before 1989 through the Eyes of Witnesses
discussion, 16 December 2024, 16:00, Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Na Florenci 1420/3, Prague 1)...
New book: Dějiny v exekuci. Jak přemýšlet a psát o komunismu
Suk, J. (ed.): Dějiny v exekuci. Jak přemýšlet a psát o komunismu. Praha: NLN, s. r. o., 2024.
New book: Město jako laboratoř změny. Mezioborové výzvy
Nodl, M. – Gjuričová, A. – Pospíšil, S.: Město jako laboratoř změny. Mezioborové výzvy. Praha: Argo, Filosofický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., 2024.
Seminar: "Not Everything Was Rubbish": The Liquidation of the Camera Manufacturer Pentacon in Dresden
27 November 2024, 16:00, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences (Vlašská 355/9, Prague 1)...
General Assembly of the Association of Historians of the Czech Republic
22 November 2024, 15:00, Czech Academy of Sciences (Národní 3, Prague)...
Slušovický zázrak. JZD Agrokombinát Slušovice mezi socialismem a tržní ekonomikou
discussion, 28 November 2024, 17:00, František Bartoš Regional Library in Zlín (14/15 Bat'a Institute, 2nd floor of building 15)...
Conference Covid-19 in the Memory of Czech Society
27 November 2024, 9:00, the Czech Academy of Sciences (Národní 3, Prague 1)...
Prague International Conference of Slovak and Czech High School Students
22 November 2024, 9:00, Dům národnostních menšin (Vocelova 602/3, Prague)...
CfP: Echoes of Conflict: Health Consequences of War and Violence Across Generations
International Conference, Prague, 8–10 April 2025...
Online exhibition depicts normalisation Žižkov in Pavel Štecha's photographs
press release on the new virtual exhibition...
Seminar: Polish migrants in the "new" EU: the notion of (post)transformation
12 November 2024, 10:00, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Vlašská 355/9, Prague 1)...
Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences
4 –10 November 2024, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences...
Seminar: Quest for a New Europe? The Soviet Union, Central European Countries and the Emerging Visegrad Cooperation, 1989-1991
30 October 2024, 16:00, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences (Vlašská 355/9, Prague 1)...
Topographies of Transformation: Dresden–Prague Talks
series of lectures organized by the Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung and the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences...
CfA: Victims, Their Organizations and the Struggle over the Memory of Suffering
Soudobé dějiny / Czech Journal of Contemporary History, the deadline for submission of manuscripts is 31 January 2025...
Memory Under Pressure: Forum History in Public Space will focus on the changing relationship to the past
press release for the conference History in Public Space...
CfP: Discussing the Zero Growth and Climate Change in Eastern Europe Before and After 1989
Panel Proposal for the 13th Biennial European Society for Environmental History Conference 2025, “Climate Histories” August 18th-22th, 2025, Uppsala, Sweden...
New book: Jan Hauer: Moji lidi
Hauer, J.: Moji lidi [My People]. Praha: Kher, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i., 2024.
Conference History in Public Space IV: Memory under Pressure. Tensions, Conflicts, Catharsis
17–18 October 2024, Multifunkční informační a vzdělávací centrum Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem a Filozofická fakulta Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem...
CfP: Beyond Crises: Resilience and (In)stability
9th Annual Meeting of the Memory Studies Association (MSA), 14–18 July 2025, Prague...
Human rights at the time of Charter 77 and today: the experience of Czechoslovak dissent in a global perspective
screening and discussion, 9 October 2024, 4:00 pm, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Jan Palach Square 1/2)...
What do Marx, Hayek, and Polányi tell us about the post-1989 transformations?
1 October 2024, 18:30, kavárna Na Boršově (Náprstkova 272/10, 110 00 Prague)...
Conference Transformations of the Emergency Medical Service in the 20th and 21th Centuries: Actors – Organizations – Technologies – Innovations
26–27 September 2024, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (Pátkova 2137/5, Prague 8)...
Seminar: The Struggle for Moral Recognition: The Organisation of Political Prisoners in the Czech Republic and Germany after 1989
25 September 2024, 16:00, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences (Vlašská 355/9, Prague 1)...
Futures and Pasts of Illiberal Constitutionalism: East Central Europe in Context
international conference, 12–13 September 2024, CEU Vienna...
Workshop Queer Urban Underworlds in European State Socialism
17-19 September 2024, The Parliamentary Library and The Archives of the Chamber of Deputies (Komunardů 1634/44, 170 00 Prague 7 Holešovice)...
From Student Internationalism to Erasmus: Globalization and Europeanization of Student Life since 1945
Round Table Discussion, 25. září 2024, 17:30, Vila Lanna (V Sadech 1/1, Praha 6)...
Cities and Buildings: Social, Environmental and Technical Challenges
conference of the program Strategy AV21, 19 September 2024, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences...
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Queer in State Socialism
September 17, 5.30 p.m., The Parliamentary Library and The Archives of the Chamber of Deputies, Komunardů 1634/44, 170 00 Prague 7...
Built representation: Parlamentsarchitektur in Europa
International Academic Conference, 4–5 September 2024, Düsseldorf, Haus der Universität...
Connecting historians and teachers: the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences helps train history teachers
15 August 2024, press release...
Conference Oral History in the 21st Century: Interview and its Future
19–20 September 2024, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové...
Conference: Úplně nový dějepis? Kudy a kam s revizí RVP a Kompetenčním rámcem absolventů učitelství
12–13 September 2024, Faculty of Sciences, Humanities and Education, TUL...
Conference Victimhood - Acknowledgement - Politics of Memory: Struggling over the Memory of Suffering
3 –5 September 2024, HAIT, Helmholtzstraße 6, 01069 Dresden...