I. Politics, institutions, power
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., Vlašská 355/9, 118 00 Praha 1
257 286 359
- 2011–2019: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Anthropology (Ph.D.)
- 2009–2011: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Oral History – Contemporary History, Mgr. (M.A.)
- 2006–2009: Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Liberal Arts and Humanities, Bc. (B.A.)
Research interests:
- contemporary history, military history, institutional history, memory studies, oral history, historical anthropology, qualitative research, digital humanities, digital history, research data management, history of emergency medical service
Professional apointments:
- 2012 –present: curator, Digital Collections of Oral History, ICH CAS, Prague
- 2011–present: researcher, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences (ICH CAS)
- 2011–present: lecturer and assistant professor, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
- 2022–2024: director, Oral History Center, ICH CAS, Prague
Accredited courses:
- 2024: Data Steward (Charles University, Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague), certificate no. CZ-11000-2024-000005
- 2023: Secure management of research data (Masaryk University, Brno), certificate no. 1490C/2023/0205
Internship abroad
- 4/2014: Department of Culture and Society, East European Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark
Research projects:
- 2023–2027: Serving the homeland as a source of national identity. Identification, documentation and presentation of historical sources for the institute of compulsory military service in the Czech lands (1868–2004) (Ministry of Culture, NAKI III.) –principal investigator
- 2023–2025: Minutes between life and death: Changes in emergency medical service and the professional identity of its employees in the Czech lands 1952–2003 (Czech Science Foundation) – principal investigator
- 2022–2025: Research of (post)covid era (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of Czech Academy of Sciences) – team member
- 2022–2024: History and culture of contemporary Czech military re-enactment in an interdisciplinary perspective
(Czech Science Foundation) – team member - 2019–2021: Army as instrument of socialization. Reflection of the phenomenon of compulsury military service in the Czech lands 1968–2004 (Czech Science Foundation) – principal investigator
- 2017–2019: Student Generation of 1989 in Longitudinal Perspective. Biographical Interviews after Twenty Years (Czech Science Foundation) – team member
- 2016–2019: Virtual assistent for acces to historical audiovisual data (Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, NAKI II.) – team member
- 2015–2017: Between state plan and research freedom. Ethnography and folklore studies in Czechia in the context of development of culture and society in 1945-1989 (Czech Science Foundation) – co-investigator
- 2015–2017: “Micro-histories“ and “Macro-history” of Czech/Czechoslovak Travelling and Tourism 1945–1989 (Czech Sicence Foundation) – team member
- 2022: Otto Wichterle Award (Czech Academy of Sciences)
- 2017: Czech Ethnology Society Award (1st place, conference)
- 2010: Czech Oral History Association Award (3rd place, student thesis)
Abroad conferences (active participant):
- Annual Congress of the European Business History Association (Lisbon, Portugal, 11.–13. 7. 2024)
- 22th International Oral History Association Conference Oral History in a Digital and Audiovisual World (Rio de Janeiro, Brazílie, 25.–28. 7. 2023)
- 8th International Conference of the Czech Oral History Association: The Divided, Yet Together: Borders in Oral History Perspective (Bratislava, Slovakia, 9.–10. 2. 2023)
- Scientific Conference Oral History of Borderlands (Wroclav, Poland, 7.–8. 6. 2022)
- 21th International Oral History Association Virtual Conference: Harmony and Disharmony (online, Singapore, 23.–27. 8. 2021)
- Online International Conference: Memory of the Communist Past (Bratislava, Slovakia, 14.–16. 10. 2020)
- International Oral History Conference: Oral History and Action (Krakow, Poland, 28.–30. 3. 2019)
- 52nd Oral History Association Annual Meeting: Oral History in Our Challenging Times pořádaný Oral History Association (Montreal, Canada, 10.–14. 10. 2018)
- 20th International Oral History Conference: Memory and Narration pořádaná International Oral History Association, Finnish Oral History Network, Finnish Literature Society a University of Jyväskylä (Jyväskylä, Finland, 18. 6.–21. 6. 2018)
- 19th International Oral History Conference: Speaking, Listening, Interpreting: the Critical Engagements of Oral History pořádaná International Oral History Association, Oral History Association of India a Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology (Bangalore, India, 27. 6.–1. 7. 2016)
- XX. konference Etnológ a múzeum: Etnológ v teréne (Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, 21.–23. 6. 2016)
- International Conference Oral History in Central-Eastern Europe: Current Research Areas, Challenges and Specificity (Lodz, Poland, 17.–18. 9. 2015)
- 18th International Oral History Conference: Power and Democracy: the Many Voices of Oral History (Barcelona, Spain, 9.–12. 7. 2014)
Domestic conferences (active participant and conference organizator)
- International conference Transformations of the Emergency Medical Service in the 20th and 21th Centuries: Actors – Organizatons – Technologies – Innovations“ (Prague, Czech Republic, 26.–27. 9. 2024)
- 9th International Conference COHA – Oral History in the 21st Century: Interview and its Future (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 19.–20. 9. 2024)
- International Conference Military Reenactment, Military Heritage, and Historical Conflicts and Traumas in Czech Lands (Prague, Czech Republic 29.–30. 8. 2024)
- International Conference Military service in an interdisciplinary perspective: Discipline, actor experience and material culture (Prague, Czech Republic, 24.–25. 6. 2021)
- 7th International Conference COHA – Oral History in Times of Crisis (Prague, Czech Republic, 18.–19. 2. 2021)
- 6th International Conference COHA – From Democratization to Democracy: Oral History in the Study of Contemporary History (Olomouc, Czech Republic, 6.–7. 2. 2019)
- 5th International Conference COHA – The Many Faces of Oral History: From Theory and Methodology to Research Practice, Teaching, and Popularization (Brno, Czech Republic, 15.–16. 2. 2017)
- International Conference Between state plan and research freedom. Ethnology in Central Europe in 1945–1989 (Prague, Czech Republic, 17.–18. 3. 2016)
- 4th International Conference COHA – On the Borders Between Past and Present: Perspectives on Oral History (Ostrava, Czech Republic, 19.–20. 3. 2015)
- 3rd International Conference COHA – Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of oral history (Pardubice, Czech Republic, 21.–22. 3. 2013)
Committees membership:
- 2024–present: member of the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
- 2024–present: member of EOSC CZ Working Groups (Humanities and Arts; Sensitive Data; Metadata)
- 2023–present: member of Czech Ethnological Society
- 2019–present: Czech Society for Military Historical Research (2019–2024: audit committee member)
- 2018–present: chairman, Czech Oral History Association
- 2017–present: member of Information Technology Committee, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2017–2021: member of Collegium for Popularization and PR, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2012–present: executive committee member, Czech Oral History Association
- 2008–present: member of Czech Oral History Association
- HLAVÁČEK, J. Vzestup a pád ČSLA? Vojenská profese v kolektivní paměti důstojnického sboru (1960–1970). [The Rise and Fall of the Czechoslovak People’s Army? Military Profession in the Collective Memory of the Officer Corps, 1960–1970]Praha: Karolinum, 2019.
- HLAVÁČEK, J. (ed.). Mezi pakárnou a službou vlasti: Základní vojenská služba (1968–2004) v aktérské reflexi. [Between a Drag and Serving the Homeland: Compulsory Military Service as Reflected on by its Actors, 1968–2004] Praha: Academia, 2021.
- HLAVÁČEK, J, – BORTLOVÁ-VONDRÁKOVÁ, H. (eds.). Mezi státním plánem a badatelskou svobodou: Československá etnografie a folkloristika ve vzpomínkách pamětníků. [Between the State Plan and Research Freedom: Czechoslovak Ethnography in the Memories of Witnesses] Praha: Academia, 2018.