III. Věda, kultura, myšlení
Adresa pracoviště:
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., detašované pracoviště Puškinovo nám. 9, 160 00 Praha 6
Odborné zaměření:
- kulturní dějiny střední Evropy v druhé polovině 20. století; systémová transformace po roce 1989 a dějiny 90. let; paměť a paměťová politika; film a literatura
- 2012 – 2016 Škola slovanských a východoevropských studií, University College London, Velká Británie, obor kulturní dějiny (Ph.D.)
- 2010 – 2011 University College London, Velká Británie, obor komparatistika (M.A.)
- 2007 – 2010 King’s College London, Velká Británie, obor komparatistika a filmová studia (B.A.)
Praxe a zaměstnání:
- 06/2024 – vedoucí oddělení Věda, kultura, myšlení, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i.
- 2017 – výzkumná pracovnice ÚSD AV ČR
- 2016–2017 Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow, European University Institute, Florencie, Itálie
Studijní pobyty a stáže:
- 2023 – Research Center for the History of Trasformations, Vídeňská univerzita, Visiting Fellow
- 2015 – Jan Patočka Junior Visiting Fellow, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vídeň, Rakousko
- 2013 – Yale University, katedra komparatistiky, výměnný pobyt Yale-University College London
Grantové a výzkumné projekty:
- 2022–2027: Vedoucí Výzkumné skupiny pro historická transformační studia, prémie Lumina Quaeruntur:
- 2018–2022: Articulating the Free Market: A Cultural History of the Economic Transformation in Central Europe, 1989-1999. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, řešitelka grantu
- 2017: Studentská generace roku 1989 v časosběrné perspektivě. Životopisná interviews po dvaceti letech. GA ČR 2017–2019, členka řešitelského týmu
- PEHE, Veronika – WAWRZYNIAK, Joanna, eds. Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989. Londýn: Routledge 2023.
- PEHE, Veronika: Velvet Retro, Postsocialist Nostalgia and the Politics of Heroism in Czech Popular Culture. New York: Berghan Books, 2020.
Popularizační publikace:
- PEHE, Veronika – RYCHLÍKOVÁ, Apolena – DANIEL, Ondřej – KRÁTKÁ, Lenka – LEHEČKA, Michal – ONDRÁČEK, Vojtěch – PATOČKOVÁ, Jana – SPURNÝ, Jaroslav, Věčná devadesátá. Proměny české společnosti po roce 1989. Brno: CPress, 2023.
Články a studie
- PEHE, Veronika. „Did Women’s Rights Have a Place in Eastern European Human Rights Dissent? The Case of Charter 77 and Czechoslovakia, 1977–1992.“ Contemporary European History. Online 2025:1-16.
- PEHE, Veronika. „Gendered Economic Imaginaries in Post-1989 Czech, Slovak, and Polish Cinema“, in Martin Schulze Wessel – Darina Volf, eds., Changing Times, Persisting Legacies: The Uneven Development of East-Central Europe Since 1989. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht, 2025, pp. 151-164.
- WALACH, Václav – KUPKA, Petr – PEHE, Veronika. „Can detective fiction save liberal democracy? On the performative functions of crime control in the Czech TV series The Nineties“. Crime, Media, Culture 1-21 (2024), Online First.
- PEHE, Veronika – KUPKA, Petr – WALACH, Václav. Postsocialism as a Crime: The Role of Police Memory in the Remembrance of the Post-1989 Systemic Changes in the Czech Republic. East Central Europe, 51, 2-3 (2024), 289-314.
- PEHE, Veronika – KUPKA, Petr. “Legal, Illegal, Either Way Informal: Examining Continuities of Small-Scale Entrepreneurship between Late Socialism and Postsocialism in Czechia.” Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 32, 2 (2024): 257–277.
- PEHE, Veronika, Totalitarianism as Defensive Memory: Unpacking a Czech Mnemonic Conflict. In: Hanna Haag – Till Hilmar, eds., Erinnerung des Umbruchs, Umbruch der Erinnerung. Die Nachwendeziet im deutschen und ostmitteleuropäischen Gedächtnis. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2024, pp. 225-244.
- GONTARSKA, Olga – PEHE, Veronika, „Films without a viewer: Ukrainian filmmakers and memory of the neoliberal turn in the post-Soviet space“, in Veronika Pehe – Joanna Wawrzyniak, eds. Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989. Londýn: Routledge 2023, pp. 247–263.
- WAWRZYNIAK, Joanna – PEHE, Veronika, „Memories of the neoliberal turn in comparative perspective: A research agenda“, in Veronika Pehe – Joanna Wawrzyniak, eds. Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989. Londýn: Routledge 2023, pp. 297–307.
- „Privatization comedies as media of memory of the Czech(oslovak) economic transformation“, in Veronika Pehe – Joanna Wawrzyniak, eds.Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989. Londýn: Routledge 2023, pp. 201–216.
- PEHE, Veronika – WAWRZYNIAK, Joanna, „Neoliberalism, Eastern Europe and collective memory: Setting the framework“, in Veronika Pehe – Joanna Wawrzyniak, eds. Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989. Londýn: Routledge 2023, pp. 1–18.
- HOLEČKOVÁ, Marta Edith – PEHE, Veronika, Anatomie jedné další zdrženlivosti. Dokumenty Charty 77 k zemím třetího světa. Soudobé dějiny XXX, 2 (2023), s. 414–442.
- PEHE, Veronika: „Poking Fun at the Transformation: Postsocialist TV Satire in the 1990s“, VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, vol. 11, 22 (2022), pp. 7–22.
- DE LEEUW, Sonja – MUSTATA, Dana – PEHE, Veronika, „Editorial“, VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, vol. 11, 22 (2022): 1–4.
- PEHE, Veronika – SOMMER, Vítězslav. „Introduction: Historicizing postsocialist privatization at the juncture of the cultural and the economic“, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, vol 30, 1 (2022), pp. 1–9.
- PEHE, Veronika: „Commodifying postsocialist cinema: filmmakers and the privatization of the Polish and Czech film industry after 1989“,Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 30, 1 (2022), pp. 11–26.
- PEHE, Veronika: „The Entrepreneur in ‘Transformation Cinema’: Representing the Economic Changes of the 1990s in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia“, East European Politics & Societies and Cultures, vol 36, 2 (2022): 446–464.
- PEHE, Veronika: Zlatá devadesátá? In: Miroslav Vaněk a kol.: Sto studentských evolucí. Vysokoškolští studenti roku 1989. Životopisná vyprávění v časosběrné perspektivě. Praha: Academia, 2019, s. 185–222.
- PEHE, Veronika: The Wild 1990s: “Transformation Nostalgia” Among the Czech Student Generation of 1989, East Central Europe, vol. 46, 1 (2019), p. 111–134.
- PEHE, Veronika: Authenticating the Past: Archives, Secret Police, and Heroism in Contemporary Czech Representations of Socialism. In: Perceptions of Society in Communist Europe: Regime Archives and Popular Opinion, M. Blaive (ed.), Londýn, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, pp. 207–222.
- PEHE, Veronika: The Colours of Socialism: Visual Nostalgia and Retro Aesthetics in Czech Film and Television, Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne des Slavistes, vol. 57, 3-4 (2015), pp. 239–253.
- PEHE, Veronika: Drobné hrdinství: vzdor jakožto předmět nostalgie v díle Petra Šabacha a Michala Viewegha, Česká literatura, vol. 63, 3 (2015), s. 419–434.
- PEHE, Veronika: Retro Reappropriations. Responses to “The Thirty Cases of Major Zeman” in the Czech Republic, VIEW: Journal of European Television History and Culture, vol. 3, 5 (2014), pp. 100–107.
Recenze a další:
- ‚Remembering postsocialist economic transformation‘, CEU Review of Books, prosinec 2023.
- Kristen Ghodsee, Mitchell Orenstein, Taking Stock of Shock. Social Consequences of the 1989 Revolutions, Střed – Centre 14, 1 (2022), s. 118–121.
- Transforming Worlds of Work. Post-1989 Privatization in Poland through the Eyes of Factory Workers. Soudobé dějiny/ Czech Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 28, 3 (2021): 791-797.
- ‚Subverzní adaptace‘, Česká literatura, vol. 66, 3 (2018), s. 463-467
- ‘Jonathan Larson, Critical Thinking in Slovakia After Socialism’, Slavonic and East.
- European Review, vol. 94, 3 (2016), s. 576-578.
- ‘David Williams, Writing Postcommunism: Towards a Literature of the East European Ruins’, Central Europe, vol. 14, 1 (2016), p. 83-85.
- ‘Diasporic Terrorism’, IWM Post 116 (2015), s. 13
- ‘Jan Čulík (ed.), National Mythologies in Central European TV Series: How J.R. Won the Cold War’, Central Europe, vol. 13, 1-2 (2015), s. 125-126.
- ‘Foreword’ (předmluva k) Michal Viewegh, Bliss Was it in Bohemia, London: Jantar Publishing, 2015.
- ‘An Artificial Unity? Approaches to Post-Socialist Nostalgia’, Tropos vol. 1, 1 (2013), p. 6-13.
- ‘Jiří Hájíček, Rustic Baroque’, Central Europe, vol. 11, 1 (2013), s. 76-77.
- ‘Michal Pullmann, Konec experimentu: přestavba a pád komunismu v Československu’, Central Europe, vol. 10, 2 (2012), s. 152-153.
- ‘Kristen Ghodsee, Lost in Transition: Ethnographies of Everyday Life After Communism’, Slovo, vol. 24, 1 (2012), s. 61-62.
Konference a workshopy:
- ASEEES Annual Convention, diskuzní příspěvek v rámci panelu „Approaches to Historicizing Post-Socialist Transformations: A Methodological Conversation“, Filadelfie, USA, 30.11-3.12.2023.
- Zvaná přednáška, „Od šmelinářů k byznysmenům: příspěvek k dějinám podnikání mezi normalizací a transformací“, Aperitív seminář Historického ústavu SAV, 26.10.2023, Bratislava.
- Zvaná přednáška „Doing Business: A Cultural History of Late Socialist and Postsocialist Entrepreneurship“, Transformative Seminar, Research Center for the History of Transformations, 12.10.2023, Vídeňská univerzita.
- Memory Studies Association Annual Conference, představení knihy „Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe After 1989″, Newcastle upon Tyne 3.-7.7.2023, Memory Studies Association.
- „Wyłom w systemie. Firmy polonijne w PRL | seminarium“, diskuzní příspěvek v rámci panelu „Firmy polonijne: kontekst międzynarodowy“, Varšava 24.-25.3.2023, Varšavská univzerita/Vídeňská univerzitra.
- Transforming State Socialism in East-Central Europe Historical Sociology of the Long Chang, University of Warsaw, 30.9.-1.10.2022. From Employees to Entrepreneurs: The Longer History of Private Enterprise in Socialist Czechoslovakia.
- Rethinking Intellectual History in East Central Europe, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2.-3.9. 2022. What Cultural History Can Bring to the Study of Economic Transformation.
- BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, 8.-10.4.2022. From Art to Commodity: Czech and Polish Filmmakers‘ Responses to the Marketization of the Film Industry after 1989.
- ASEEES Annual Convention, 1-3.12. 2021. Roundtable ‚Remembering the 1990s: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Studying the Memory of East-Central European Economic Transformations‘ (online).
- Collegium Carolinum Annual Conference, 11-14.11. 2021, Fischbachau, Germany. ‚Entrepreneurs and heirs: cinema and the economic transformation in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland in comparison‘
- Socialist Culture Recycled conference, St Petersburg, 25-27.6.2021. ‚Velvet Retro: Popular Culture and the Czech Memory of the pre-1989 Past‘ (online).
- Workshop Industries, Institutions and Everyday Cultures in Transformation. 23.10.2020. ÚSD AV ČR (online). „Postsocialist Cinema Meets the Market: The Case of Czech Republic and Poland“.
- ASEEES Annual Convention, 23.-26.11.2019, San Francsico, USA, Roundtable: Book Discussion: One Hundred Student (r)Evolutions. The Student Generation of 1989 in Longitudinal Perspective by Miroslav Vaněk et al.
- Genealogies of Memory. Myths, Memories and Economies: Post-Socialist Transformations in Comparison, 28.-30.10.2019, Varšava, Polsko. „Let’s Start a Business“: The Memory of Entrepreneurship and the Czech Student Generation of 1989.
- Konference Sto studentských (r)evolucí, 24.5.2019, Knihovna Václava Havla, Praha. Zlatá devadesátá?
- mezinárodní konference České asociace orální historie. 6.-7.2.2019, Olomouc. „Doba, kdy bylo možný všechno.“ Paměť 90. let z pohledu studentské generace 1989.
- Kolloquim, 31.1.2019, Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung, Drážďany, Německo. Transformation Nostalgia? The Student Generation of 1989 and the Memory of the 1990s in the Czech Republic